Best Supplements for Autism Reviewed (2022)
When it comes to ASD (autism-spectrum disorders) and autism, it can be a complex and emotionally charged issue for many parents of autistic children. Most have tried countless interventions in an attempt to improve their child’s quality of life, however due to the complexity of ASD, it can be hard to figure out what works and what does not, especially when your only option seems to be trial and error.
In their literature on autism, the CDC says that ““Many biomedical interventions call for changes in diet. Such changes include removing certain types of foods from a child’s diet and using vitamin or mineral supplements.” The CDC is ardent to mention that while some remedies and solutions may work for one child, they will not work for another.However, there are some interventions including dietary supplements, that can have significant improvements to your child’s quality of life, and are certainly worth trying or learning about if you have not yet.
One of the most widely recommended interventions by physicians has been simple vitamin and mineral supplements for autism. A big reason behind this is that the typical western diet is deficient in key vitamins and minerals, many of which play important roles in modulating behavior and health.
This vitamin and mineral deficiency is worsened by the tendency of those with autism spectrum disorders to be “picky eaters”. However, recent research into the mind-gut connection shows that this emotional connection is actually part of the hardwiring of the brain and gut, and affects all of us to some degree, just that this system is more out of balance in those with autism.*
By better understanding the pathways and biological processes that cause ASD and autism symptoms, including genetics and epigenetics, you will be more prepared to help give your child the quality of life they deserve.
What Supplements for Autism Do Doctors Recommend?
By working closely with your child’s physician, you will be able to analyze their lab work to see where they are deficient nutritionally. These gaps can be filled in the diet, or with strategic supplementation.
It is important to work closely with your child’s pediatrician to determine which deficiencies can easily be corrected with diet or supplement intervention. However, it is important to note that many vitamins including Vitamin A, E, D, and K, are all fat-soluble, so also depend on the rest of your child’s diet for maximum benefit.
Sleep and Melatonin for Autism
More than half of children with ASD struggle to get a proper night’s sleep. A lack of sleep can reak absolute havoc on the body and mind. Sleep deprivation can further exacerbate ASD symptoms.
Supplementing with melatonin can have a positive impact on regulating circadian rhythms and promoting a good night sleep. Combining melatonin with an anti-anxiety supplement like DayChill packs a one-two punch that will make sure your child sleeps soundly through the night.
Anxiety Pills for Autism
Many ASD symptoms present as anxiety symptoms. Whether it’s restlessness, repetitive behaviors, or others, most children with ASD struggle with restlessness or anxiety in some form.
One of the most promising supplements for anxiety we have come across is called DHH-b. Dihydrohonokiol-b is a compound extracted from magnolia bark extract. Most of the formulations found online use a cheap extract standardized for honokiol, which is not nearly as effective as DHH-b for relieving anxiety symptoms.
Research continues to show that DHH-b is a potent anti-anxiety supplement and can be highly effective at combating nasty anxiety symptoms*
Many people who have tried DHH-b are blown away by how effective it is. wrote this review about DHH-b, saying “DHH-b is the best we’ve ever tried for anxiety & sleep”.
B6 and Magnesium Supplements for Autism
Research has shown that many patients with ASD are deficient in vitamin B6 and magnesium. Studies have shown varied results ranging from increased impulse control to improved eye contact in social interactions, but there still needs to be more research.
In general, magnesium supplements offer a convenient way to offset any deficiency. Generally, this results in increased relaxation, and reduced excitatory activity by the nervous system in general, so it is worth trying if you have not.
Increased emotional eating behaviors in children with autism: Sex differences and links with dietary variety -
- Confirmation of the anxiolytic-like effect of dihydrohonokiol following behavioural and biochemical assessments -